Thermoplan x SCA

Where competitive spirit and top performance meet

Our Black&White4 Competizione is the official world championship machine for the World Latte Art Championships 2024 - 2027! Thanks to its intelligent steam lance, the Black&White4 Competizione sets new standards in the competition and offers baristas ideal conditions. With the innovative AutoSteam function, baristas can manually create the perfect milk foam according to their preferences and thus create exceptional latte art creations.

About Thermoplan

In 50 years, entrepreneurship and passion have turned a small family business into an internationally successful market leader in the market of fully automatic coffee machines.

We develop and produce fully automatic coffee machines of the highest Swiss quality for professional use. From our location in Weggis, we operate globally and, together with our more than 200 sales and service partners, supply customers in over 80 countries. 

By using the Black&White4 Competizione at the World Latte Art Championship, we are breaking new ground. The fully automatic coffee machine will be the first of its kind at world championships and from now on we will be able to convince a new target group, professional baristas, of our expertise.

Company building unique Thermoplan AG in Weggis
Barista foams milk on fully automatic coffee machine

Black&White4 Competizione

The name Competizione symbolizes the interplay of precision, creativity and technical perfection. These factors are crucial to stand out at the Latte Art Championships. This requires a perfected coffee machine. With the new Black&White4 Competizione, Thermoplan has combined the best of the barista and fully automatic coffee machine worlds.

The Black&White4 Competizione is ideal for latte art championships because it focuses the baristas' efforts on the essentials - creating excellent milk foam for the perfect latte art. Thanks to the AutoSteam function, professional baristas froth exactly to their liking. The amount of air added and the target temperature are regulated manually.

Specialty Coffee Association

The Speciality Coffee Association (SCA) represents thousands of coffee professionals around the world - from producers to baristas. Its aim is to promote standardised knowledge in the global coffee community.

Every year, the SCA organises the World Coffee Championships in seven different disciplines. One of these is the World Latte Art Championship. Yannis Apostolopoulos, CEO of the SCA, explains why a fully automatic coffee machine such as the Black&White4 Competizione will be used from now on: «We are delighted to recognise the outstanding quality of the Thermoplan Black&White4 Competizione and to announce the very first fully automatic machine at the World Coffee Championships. This marks a significant step in the important task of including a wider range of machines at the World Coffee Championships. We are honoured to work with Thermoplan over the next four years as we continue to pursue our shared goal of promoting global coffee excellence.»

Red coffee cherries on coffee tree
Barista pours latte art from pitcher into cup

World Latte Art Championship

The World Latte Art Championships are all about artistic expression. The baristas are judged on the basis of creativity, identical motifs in the sets, contrast in the art motifs and overall performance.

Each championship consists of three rounds including the final. The participating latte artists themselves choose the motif they wish to pour. Where permitted, the patterns may be refined by free drawing with an object. The more complex the pattern, the more likely it is to qualify for the final. In the end, one latte artist is crowned the winner and bears the title «World Latte Art Champion» for one year.

Test your barista skills live on the Black&White4 CTS!

Find a partner

In the overview you will find all partners where the championship machine is installed and ready for testing.

Thermoplan AG - Switzerland
Thermoplan AG
Thermoplan-Platz 1
6353 Weggis
T +41 41 392 12 00
Thermoplan Deutschland GmbH - Germany
Thermoplan Deutschland GmbH
Altriper Strasse 1
68766 Hockenheim
T +49 6205 280 620
Thermoplan USA - USA
Thermoplan USA
PO Box 789
98826 Leavenworth, WA
T +1 844 484-7872
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Write to us! Our coffee specialists will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the World Latte Art Championship and the Black&White4 Competizione!

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