Find the right Thermoplan coffee machine for you

Thermoplan develops and produces fully automatic coffee machines of the highest Swiss quality for professional use in the catering and commercial sectors.

The family-owned company is globally active and supplies customers in over 80 countries. More than 500 employees work at the Swiss headquarters in Weggis (Canton Lucerne). Worldwide, more than 200 certified sales and service partners belong to the Thermoplan network.

The multi-talent

For a daily requirement of up to 500 cups

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Black&White4 Compact
The compact all-rounder
Black&White4 compact

For a daily requirement of up to 150 cups

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Black&White4 neo
The innovation artist
Black&White4 neo

For a daily requirement of up to 100 cups

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The versatile one

For a daily requirement of up to 500 cups

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Find the coffee machine that suits you best!

Configurator SVG
Black&White family
Laptop Thermoplan Connect

Digital Solutions

The perfect coffee experience with ThermoplanConnect

Improve coffee quality. Increase profits. Experience service in a new way. Use ThermoplanConnect to take control of your coffee business. Our digital solutions enable a perfect coffee experience. The desired coffee speciality is selected without touching it, while the product video on the screen whets your appetite for the right pastry. The recipe for a new drink is simply uploaded online from a distance. The customer not only enjoys premium coffee, but also emotional touch points - an individual experience.

Sustainable fully automatic coffee machines

We take responsibility for our products throughout their life cycle, including the materials they are made from, the people who assemble them and the resources consumed during the use phase. In the Product Environmental Report (PER), we describe in detail the footprint of our fully automatic coffee machines and disclose what our materials are made of and how we use them to ensure the most sustainable production possible.

Nachhaltigkeit PER

Productnews from Thermoplan

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