
Looking for the right fully automatic coffee machine?

Finding the right coffee machine for your needs can be a real challenge. That's why we created a new, easy-to-use machine configurator that makes it super easy for you to find the right fully automatic coffee machine.

To find out which coffee machine suits you best, simply answer two questions.

The questions are as follows:

Cups - How many cups per day do I need?

Here you choose one of the four options

- Up to 100 cups per day
Are you looking for a coffee machine for the office, do you want to offer delicious coffee to your customers in a service business such as a hairdresser or car salon, or do you run a small restaurant? Then you probably need a maximum of 100 cups per day.

- Up to 150 cups per day
In a small coffee or catering business, coffee is in high demand, especially at peak times. Do your guests drink about 150 cups per day? Then this option is ideal.

- Up to 500 cups per day
Do you run a busy petrol station, a large canteen or a bakery? Then you probably easily sell 500 cups of coffee per day. This is your choice.

- Over 500 cups per day
For large businesses such as hotels, quick serve restaurants and coffee chains, we also offer a cup capacity of over 500 cups per day.

And now to the second question:

Products - Which products do I want?

- Coffee specialities
Ristretto, espresso, coffee, americano - the morning is saved and the good news - all our fully automatic coffee machines offer you these products.

- Hot water
Hot water for tea or a soup between meals can also be easily obtained from all our coffee machines.

- Milk products
The creation of perfect milk foam is in our DNA. Choose these products if you want to offer cappuccino, milk coffee or latte macchiato.

- Cold milk products
If you also want to be able to offer cold cappuccino and latte macchiato - then this is your choice.

- 2 different types of milk
Thanks to an intelligent two-milk solution, you can place two different types of milk or milk alternatives in a refrigerator or under the table and obtain them conveniently via the touchscreen.

- More than two different milks
Some machine models allow you to prepare more than two types of milk. Either milk or milk alternatives are drawn in directly via the milk lance and dispensed into the cup, or different types of milk and milk alternatives are heated up via a steam lance.

- Steam
Not all steam is the same. Depending on the machine model, manual or semi-automatic frothing of milk and milk alternatives is possible.

- Powder
Would you like to offer your guests variety? Thanks to the powder module, various vending powders such as chocolate or matcha can be easily processed at the touch of a button.

- Syrup
Strawberry in summer, hazelnut in autumn, cinnamon in winter and vanilla for spring - with the flavour module you can offer unique drink creations all year round.

Now we are already finished. The configuration can be saved via a link or requested directly as an offer.

For the very diligent, there is an additional question. Which options would you like? From a second grinder to an automatic spout to a special colour, we can fulfil almost any wish.

And if you are still undecided, we will be happy to advise you personally - just contact us via thermoplan@thermoplan.ch.

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