
Company building unique Thermoplan AG in Weggis

Thermoplan Switzerland

Thermoplan AG
Thermoplan-Platz 1
CH-6353 Weggis

T +41 41 392 12 00

Office hours Weggis
Monday to Friday
continuously from 07.00 to 17.00  

Detailed directions
You can find a detailed map of the plants here:
Plan route

You can find detailed information about our sales partners here:

Shipping enquiries export
For shipping enquiries, please contact our export team directly:

Thermoplan company building in Hockenheim Germany
Exhibition stand Thermoplan USA

Distribution & Dealers

Close to you

With Thermoplan you are in good hands around the world. We are represented in 80 countries by highly trained business partners and maintain a worldwide network of over 200 certified sales and service partners.

Weggis Region with Lake Lucerne as seen from the Rigi

Contact form

Write to us! Our staff will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about Thermoplan fully automatic coffee machines.

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