
Diverse developments in 2022

In 2022, Thermoplan has again launched several innovations with Pitcher Foam, various Self Serve options and Ambient Water, which simplify operation and coffee preparation.

Pitcher Foam 
With the Pitcher Foam function of the Black&White4 CTMplus, we were able to implement a long-awaited option last year. Thanks to the Pitcher Foam function, it is possible to switch smoothly between peak performance and barista craft. The milk is dispensed directly from the integrated refrigerator of the fully automatic machine via the milk lance into the pitcher. At the same time, the barista can concentrate fully on the customer and the latte art. But the Black&White4 CTMplus also has no problem with normal coffee dispensing and processing various milk alternatives. This makes it possible for untrained personnel as well as professional baristas to use the machine. 
More about Pitcher Foam

Self Serve 
We also launched several new Self Serve options for the Black&White4 and Black&White4 compact in 2022. From the automatic spout with cup recognition to the single spout and automatic bean recognition, the new solutions simplify the use of Thermoplan machines in the Self Serve area. The Self Serve options also increase convenience and safety for both guests and operators. 
Learn more about the Self Serve options

Ambient Water
Thanks to Ambient Water, drinks can be prepared directly with temperature-controlled tap water and no longer need to be cooled down. This makes cold tea, Americano or latte macchiato more sustainable. The in-cup temperature depends on the tap water temperature.
To the Black&White4 neo


Diverse developments in 2022
Diverse developments in 2022
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