
The Swiss Manufacturing Award 2024 goes to Thermoplan!

We are proud and delighted to have received the prestigious Swiss Manufacturing Award 2024 from the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St. Gallen!

This special honor recognizes our continuous contribution to strengthening the Swiss manufacturing industry and confirms our path towards innovation, integration of our suppliers, sustainability and excellent quality. Silvio Vanoli, Head of Supply Chain, accepted the award: "A big thank you goes to the owner family for their sustainable and future-oriented investments. Thanks to their commitment, we can use Switzerland as a production location as a clear added value for our global customers and ensure our quality and innovative strength."

Our commitment to the highest Swiss quality is based not only on modern technologies and innovative solutions, but above all on our team. Our employees are at the heart of our success - their dedication, passion and expertise make Thermoplan what we are today.

With this award, we feel encouraged to continue setting standards in production standards and leadership quality within the Swiss industry. We see this recognition as an incentive to continue pursuing our vision of a sustainable and innovative company.

We would like to thank the entire team as well as our partners and customers who have accompanied and supported us on this journey. Without this cooperation, this success would not have been possible.

Congratulations - this award belongs to all of us!

The Swiss Manufacturing Award 2024 goes to Thermoplan!
The Swiss Manufacturing Award 2024 goes to Thermoplan!
The Swiss Manufacturing Award 2024 goes to Thermoplan!
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