
The Black&White4 CT - New Arrival in the BW4 product line

We have a new arrival! With the Black&White4 CT, we are expanding our product line with a fully automatic machine that focuses on coffee and tea preparation.

We have a new arrival! With the Black&White4 CT, we are expanding our product line with a fully automatic machine that focuses on coffee and tea preparation. We are very pleased that we will be able to satisfy the needs of our customers even more efficiently in the future with the latest innovation from our company.

The compact BW4 CT is characterised above all by its new, simple handling, but in terms of performance it remains at the same high level as its siblings in the product line. Expressed in figures, the BW4 CT can produce 240 espressos, 200 coffee cups or 120 tea products per hour in no time. As the name implies, our newcomer no longer carries a milk module. One of the biggest advantages this has created for the end customer is the short cleaning time of the coffee cycle, which now only takes 6.5 minutes.

With the BW4 CT, we want to meet the requirements of our target segments in the office, quick serve restaurants, catering and cafeterias. Thanks to its modularity and simplicity, the high-performance machine can be customised according to application, need and concept.

Market entry? Already done! We are very proud to announce that the certification for the Black&White4 CT for our partners in Europe, UK, China and Korea is already settled. This means that orders can be placed immediately. Depending on demand, we will of course also certify for our oversea partners in the near future.

Is the Black&White4 CT of interest to you and would you like more information about our latest fully automatic coffee machine? Find a dealer near you or contact our Customer Service via thermoplan@thermoplan.ch.

The Black&White4 CT - New Arrival in the BW4 product line
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