5 min.

Robusta coffee: strong, robust and full of flavor

The Robusta coffee bean, also known as Coffea canephora, is one of the most important coffee varieties in the world and boasts unique properties.

Particularly popular in espresso blends, Robusta impresses with its strong taste, dark roast and its special ability to deliver a stable crema. But what makes Robusta so special and why is it becoming increasingly popular around the world?


Robusta is mainly grown in tropical regions with an altitude of 200 to 800 meters above sea level and temperatures between 22 and 30 degrees Celsius. The main countries of cultivation are Vietnam, Brazil, Indonesia, Uganda and India. Unlike the more delicate Arabica plant, Robusta grows in a bushy form, can grow up to eight meters high and is significantly more resistant to diseases and pests.

However, this coffee variety is more sensitive to drought. Nevertheless, its high yield and low susceptibility to damage mean that Robusta is often available at a lower price. Since the 1990s, its share of the global coffee industry has almost doubled and now accounts for an impressive 43% of global trade.

Large Robusta coffee plantation with tractor
Kaffee Geschmacksrad


Robusta coffee impresses with its very own note:

  • Strong and full-bodied with earthy, woody and sometimes leathery aromas.
  • Slightly bitter, with barely perceptible acidity - an ideal choice for coffee lovers who can do without soft fruity notes.
  • A nutty note and strong taste, which comes into its own particularly well in dark roasts.

Compared to Arabica, Robusta has a significantly higher caffeine content of 1.6-2.5 % (Arabica has a maximum of 1.3 %). This makes it the perfect choice for a strong pick-me-up.

Robusta in the cup

Another reason why Robusta is often used in blends is its stable foam. The crema of a Robusta espresso is particularly thick and long-lasting, as the bean contains fewer lipids but more CO₂. Even older coffee blends with a high Robusta content remain stable in taste, while the crema disintegrates more quickly with pure Arabica. These properties make Robusta indispensable for espresso blends.

However, the thick crema is not always an advantage - especially with latte art, it is more difficult to draw on the surface. Nevertheless, Robusta is an important component of many coffee blends and contributes to their strong aroma.

Espresso on wood in the spotlight
Hands with coffee beans


Although Robusta was long regarded as a "filler" in inexpensive coffee blends, the picture has changed in recent years. Improved processing methods, such as the natural or dry process, have meant that high-quality Robusta beans are now also available. As the value of this variety increases, so does its price - a clear sign of the growing focus on quality.

Difference to Arabica coffee

An exciting detail about the difference between Arabicaand Robusta is their genetic make-up. The Arabica bean has twice as many chromosomes as Robusta. Scientists suspect that this genetic diversity is responsible for the complex aromas of Arabica. But while Arabica scores with its fine, fruity note, Robusta impresses with its strong, simple structure and special taste.

The Robusta bean is a true all-rounder. Whether in a strong blend for espresso or as an inexpensive addition to everyday coffees - it provides stability, strong aromas and a long-lasting crema. Thanks to its versatility and improved processing methods, it is now not only an affordable alternative, but also a coffee with character in its own right.

For anyone who loves strong, dark coffee, Robusta is an indispensable pleasure - whether ground for filter coffee, roasted for an intense espresso or as part of a harmonious blend. The flavors of Robusta speak of strength, tradition and a passion for coffee that you can taste with every sip.

Kaffeebohnen Arabica und Robusta auf weissem Hintergrund

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